Cute little black tri with blue eyes. She wears a black collar for id.
Black tri male with blue eyes. He wears a red collar for id.
Tiny black tri male with blue eyes. He wears a yellow collar for id.
She is a precocious, curious, social, funny, playful girl!
She is going to be small (around 35 lbs). She is a little shy, sweet and mellow.
She is a mellow, laid back type!
These will be beautiful F1 Aussiedoodles. Their previous litters have produced many merles, many with blue eyes. Send a message if you want information about getting on the waiting list!
These will be beautiful F1 Aussiedoodles. Their previous litters have produced many merles, many with blue eyes. Send a message if you want information about getting on the waiting list!
Gus is a sweet family dog, very obedient and loving. He weighs 22 lbs. He passes along his smaller stature and his beautiful blue eyes, as well as the merle color!
Gus is registered American Stock Dog. Correct small structure. Very obedient boy. Great family dog.
Dasher is the sweetest family boy! Even Albert loves him! He's funny, playful, loyal, and loving.
Dasher is a Royal size Standard Poodle (70 - 90 lbs). Dasher is now over 3, 70 lbs, and 27" at the withers.
For those curious about his color genetics, he is Kbky, ay/a, bb, spsp, DD.
Dasher is fully genetically tested thru Embark free of genetic diseases. He also has good OFAs.
Reba is a sweet, funny girl who is an original dog! She is Rena's baby! Reba loves to give full body hugs. The best hugs are Reba hugs!
Reba is bred to Gus for Aussiedoodles to be born in Sept 2024.
Reba is genetically clear of disease.
Davina is the most beautiful AKC registered Bernese Mountain Dog. She is a great family dog. Takes great care of the young child and handicapped girl she lives with. She is structurally the perfect example of a Berner. She also has one blue eye! Davina had a gorgeous litter of F1 Bernedoodles with Dasher. We will repeat this breeding later this year.
Davina is clear genetically.
Zina is a sweet one year old puppy from last year's Latte and Gus litter. She is a beautiful happy pup who loves living on the farm. She is very obedient ... at least when she wants to be! She is still very much a puppy. But she is smart ... maybe too smart sometimes! Her color is called phantom.
Molly is a LARGE Bernese Mountain Dog. She's so sweet! She was born in December 2022 and will have her first litter this fall! She is a sweet family dog. She will be bred to Dasher for LARGE Bernedoodles.
Molly is clear genetically and Good OFAs.
RETIRED!!! Latte is about the sweetest dog you have ever met! She loves snuggles on the couch and to be pet and groomed. She has an interesting color that has changed over the years. She is a white sable. She has been fully genetically tested free of disease. She is now retired and living the good life with her family.
Ammy is an Aussiedoodle! Her parents are Rena and Gus. She is a spunky little gal who pretty much rules the roost around here! Don't try to sneak up on us! Even if she knows you, she will announce your presense! ...And the presense of the mailman, Amazon guy, garbage truck ... and even some beings we can't see! However, she is sweet, very smart and learning her boundaries. She also has the softest fur ever, and never sheds!
Autumn is our newest addition! She is a miniature poodle. She is so sweet. What she lacks in height, she makes up for in personality! She has a BIG personality! And she has everyone wrapped around her little paw already ... even grumpy old man Lilo!
Autumn will be bred to an Australian Labradoodle this summer!
This is the dog that started our love of poodles!
Rena came to us on Easter Day, 2019. She was an energetic young dog who has wriggled and bounced her way into our hearts! She is a gorgeous blue, SUPER smart poodle, who fancies herself part working Aussie, part diva poodle! She loves to run with the Aussies, or sit for hours and get groomed.
Rena has been retired and is living the good life here on the farm! We decided to keep her last female puppy, Amethyst. Some day she will have puppies! In the mean time, check out Rena's daughter Reba's puppies!
Are you interested in a puppy? Want to get first in line for your puppy? Send us a message with your interest. We will forward a puppy contract.
This is how the process works:
1. From the time the litter is planned until the puppies are 8 weeks, we will accept waiting list deposits. These desposits are $500.
2. At 2 weeks, you are allowed to pick a puppy from the litter you are assigned to. We can video chat with you or send pictures and videos of the puppies. You can also wait until after 4 weeks when we start allowing in-person, carefully supervised visits. (You will be required to thoroughly wash your hands, and please wear clothes that have not contacted any other pets, etc.)
3. Then at 8 weeks, the puppy will be ready to go home, and the balance of your payment will be due in cash at pick up.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to change which litter your deposit is attached to, you may ... however you may not hold the same position in line. If you want to cancel your deposit, you will be refunded HALF of the deposit (or $250).